In this blog post, I’ll review whether ZOA Energy Drinks are healthy. Find out about this product’s nutrition pros and cons so you can decide whether to drink it or find some alternative options. For people, this is not considered a healthy product to consume regularly.

trio of zoo energy drinks on table.

ZOA Energy Drinks Facts 

ZOA Energy drinks are a line of beverages crafted to provide sustained energy and hydration for active lifestyles.

Developed by Dwayne Johnson (aka “The Rock”) in collaboration with Molson Coors Beverage Company, ZOA is designed for fitness enthusiasts, athletes, and anyone seeking an energy boost without added sugar.

The drinks contain natural caffeine from green tea and coffee fruit, vitamins, and electrolytes like potassium and sodium.

ZOA Energy drinks are promoted as a healthier alternative in the energy drink market, aiming to fuel performance and recovery while promoting a balanced lifestyle.

But, is this really a healthy energy drink?

Main Ingredients 

Here are the main ingredients in ZOA Energy Drinks and some information you should know about them.

  • Carbonated Water
  • Sugar (in the regular version)
  • Citric Acid
  • Natural Flavors
  • Sodium Citrate
  • Amino Acids
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals including Magnesium Lactate and Potassium Citrate
  • Sodium
  • Sweeteners (in the sugar-free version) including Stevia Extract and Sucralose
  • Natural Caffeine (from green tea extract and green coffee bean extract)
  • Extracts and Superfoods including Acerola Juice Powder, Camu Camu Extract, and Turmeric Extract
  • Choline Bitartrate
  • Beta-Carotene Color

There are some natural ingredients in Zoa energy drink as well as some that aren’t necessarily considered natural or clean. Let’s dig further into these ingredients.

Sodium Citrate and Potassium Citrate

Sodium citrate and potassium citrate are electrolytes commonly used as food additives.

When consumed in moderation, regulatory agencies generally recognize them as safe. However, excessive consumption can cause health problems.

In large quantities, these ingredients can disrupt the balance of electrolytes in the body and cause muscle weakness, irregular heartbeat, and more unpleasant symptoms. Too much sodium citrate can increase blood pressure, while excessive potassium citrate can cause kidney stones or exacerbate existing kidney stone problems.

Another potential health problem is that some people experience gastrointestinal issues like diarrhea, gas, and bloating from a high intake of citrate salts. It’s important to note that this is only when these ingredients are excessively consumed.

B Vitamins

ZOA Energy Drinks contain Vitamins B2 (Riboflavin), B3 (Niacinamide), B6 (Pyridoxine Hydrochloride), and B12 (Cyanocobalamin).

Although B vitamins are essential nutrients and play various roles in physical health, many people are sensitive to them, and they can cause allergic reactions.

Consuming excessive amounts of B vitamins can cause multiple health problems

  • High doses of vitamin B2 may cause an intense yellow discoloration of urine, but this is harmless. 
  • Excessive intake of niacin (vitamin B3) in the form of niacinamide can lead to skin flushing, itching, and liver toxicity and may cause digestive distress. 
  • Overconsumption of vitamin B6 may result in nerve damage, sensory neuropathy, or skin lesions.
  • Vitamin B12 supplementation is generally considered safe, but extremely high doses may lead to complications such as acne, allergic reactions, or even worsening of certain medical conditions.

Green Tea Extract

Green tea is a popular drink worldwide. It is known for its health benefits.

Green tea extract is concentrated green tea that is available in capsule form or as a food additive. It contains the same active ingredients as green tea and is an excellent antioxidant with various health benefits.

Research has shown that the polyphenols in green tea and other true teas may have an anticarcinogenic effect. The tea’s flavones can also help with oxidative stress-related diseases and have other health benefits.

It is important to note that even though green tea extract has potential health benefits, it can be toxic in excessive amounts. 

Sucralose and Acesulfame Potassium

Sucralose and acesulfame potassium are highly processed, non-nutritive sweeteners. They have zero nutritional value and are not healthy products. Research shows that when consumed over time, these ingredients can cause chronic inflammation, leading to an increased risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.

Both sweeteners can also alter the gut microbiome, harming gut health, and acesulfame potassium has been linked with an increased risk of cancer.

In addition to the negative health implications, non-nutritive sweeteners may cause side effects like digestive discomfort, especially in sensitive stomachs.

Nutrition Pros

ZOA Energy Drinks are gluten-free, sugar-free, and free from synthetic colors.

They’re a convenient product if you need an energy boost before a workout with some nutritional value that’s also vegetarian—and vegan-friendly.

Nutrition Cons

This product contains 160mg of caffeine per serving, which may not be appropriate for people sensitive to caffeine.

Since the recommended daily maximum for caffeine consumption is 400 mg, there’s a risk of consuming too much caffeine if you drink more than one or two ZOA Energy Drinks—especially if your daily diet includes other products or foods that contain caffeine including from natural sources. 

ZOA Energy Drinks also contain unnatural and highly processed ingredients like non-nutritive sweeteners that can cause health problems and are particularly unsuitable for people with sensitive stomachs. 

Furthermore, it’s an expensive product if you consider that you’re paying for energy – something you can get naturally with a balanced and nutritious diet and enough sleep.

The aluminum can ZOA Energy Drinks are packaged in creates waste, so products like this are not eco-friendly. Reusing beverage bottles from more sustainable materials like glass is always best. 


Is Zoa energy actually healthier than other types of caffeine?

The natural caffeine in ZOA Energy Drinks comes from sources like green tea extract and green coffee beans. Compared to the synthetic caffeine found in other energy drinks, natural caffeine offers potentially gentler digestion and additional nutrients. 

While both types of caffeine provide an energy boost, natural caffeine may offer a smoother and more sustained effect. It is important to note that caffeine is a stimulant, even if it is naturally sourced, and may have side effects, especially when consumed in large quantities. 

Does Zoa have any artificial sweeteners or colors?

ZOA Energy Drinks contain artificial sweeteners such as sucralose and acesulfame potassium, but not artificial colors.

Can you make your own energy drink with natural caffeine?

Yes, you can! You can enjoy freshly brewed coffee or green tea or make a delicious energy drink using real food ingredients at home. You can use brewed green tea as a base for a refreshing and energizing iced tea or make a creamy coffee or matcha smoothie. Matcha contains up to 44mg of caffeine per gram!

Are ZOA Energy Drinks healthy? 

ZOA Energy Drinks are a processed food and not generally considered healthy or part of a clean eating lifestyle. They contain highly processed chemical ingredients that have been linked to health problems.

These drinks are also an expensive way to get extra energy when you can make a cup of tea or coffee at home or a homemade energy drink from real food ingredients. 


ZOA Energy Drinks contain some potentially healthy ingredients, but they also contain highly processed and chemical ingredients that are probably unhealthy. Although having an energy drink occasionally will likely not cause health problems, it is not recommended as a long-term solution to boost energy. 

The caffeine content makes these drinks unsuitable for pregnant or nursing women or children. If you choose to drink this product, it is best to do so in moderation or have regular tea, coffee, or a homemade energy drink instead.

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About the Author: Carrie Forrest has a master’s degree in public health with a specialty in nutrition. She is a top wellness and food blogger with over 5 million annual visitors to her site. Carrie has an incredible story of recovery from chronic illness and is passionate about helping other women transform their health. Send Carrie a message through her contact form.

Note: this post is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Please consult your healthcare provider for recommendations related to your individual situation.